
Showing posts from 2021

4 Reminders About God's Love For You

A wise person once told me, "Don't let people's opinion about you, make you doubt God's love for you. They didn't create you, they didn't die for you and certainly they don't love you as much as God does. Love people  as God does but be wise". What can you make of this statement? Does it resonate with you, and why? (Would love to hear your thoughts). Remember God has, is, and will always show you His love in many ways. God's love for believers and those who don't believe in Him is unconditional. Matthew 5:45 "He causes His sun  to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous." Isn't that God showing love to all human beings whom He created? Does this show that God's love is indiscriminate?  4 Reminders About God's Love For You 1. His love will not allow you to perish if you believe in Him    John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son, that whosoever be

Faith! What is Faith?

Grapple: How have you exercised Faith in your life? Faith /feɪθ/ According to the online dictionary, Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. The second definition says faith is a strong belief in the doctrine of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof. According to the Bible in Hebrews 11: 1, it defines faith this way, ‘Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see’. Hebrews 11 is the hall of faith . In this chapter, you get to read about amazing men and women who had great, crazy, audacious faith in God. I would like to write more about these great men and women of God. However, for now, allow me to write about Abraham. There is so much that has been said and written about Abraham as a man of God and more importantly as a Father of faith. Today I would like to just highlight a fraction of Abraham’s life and faith. 22 Interesting Facts About Abraham Abraham was a descendant of Shem who was one of No

In The Beginning

Grapple: Ever wonder how old this world is?   How old do you think it is?   Book: Genesis 1 Brief History on the Book of Genesis The book of Genesis also known as the book of the beginnings. It is the first book in the Bible that introduces the readers to the rest of the Bible. This book was written by Moses. What about timings? No one knows the date, month, or year when the heavens and the earth were created by God. However, the happenings recorded in Genesis are estimated to have taken place around these years: Creation-Call of Abraham (2091 B.C)- Israel goes to Egypt (1876 B.C)-Exodus from Egypt (1446 B.C).  Characters in the chapter In Genesis 1 we encounter three active characters;   God the Father: He is seen from the beginning of verse one and all through the chapter. vs.1 Inthe beginning God, vs. 3,6,9,11,14,20,22,24,26, 29... God said... In these verses and many others that I have not noted here, we get to read more about God creating the heavens and the earth through Words.