
Showing posts from February, 2022

Taking Stock of January

Happy New Year 2022! I hope and pray that your year has begun well. I’m grateful to God for granting us the opportunity to experience this year. The past two years haven’t been a smooth sail for the entire world. Who could've thought that we'd be going through a pandemic for more than two years? I believe this is part of God’s Sovereign plan. I don’t know how 2022 will turn out, but I pray that whatever comes our way, whether good or bad, we will continue trusting in God and be obedient to His word. In January, I began from where I left off last year in my Bible reading journey. Last semester Sep-Dec 2020/2021, two out of the five units I took were based on the books of 1 and 2 Peter, Romans, and Galatians. We were required to do a daily reading of these four books. Thus, I decided to incorporate them in my quiet time. This meant I had to put a pause on my normal Bible reading schedule.  At the start of 2021, I had hoped to cover Genesis 1- Isaiah 26. But by the end